Jess Hagman

Curriculum vitae

[email protected]

Social Sciences, Health & Education LIbrary

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Qualitative Analysis Examples

November 21, 2022

Last week, I led a workshop on planning qualitative data analysis for our state Extension conference. The attendees were great, and asked lots of good questions, including for examples of work that shows how qualitative analysis happens.

I posted a call for examples on Mastodon (where I'm @[email protected]) for examples and received some more to add to my own list. I'm compiling those here: 

  • Deterding, Nicole M., and Mary C. Waters. “Flexible Coding of In-Depth Interviews: A Twenty-First-Century Approach.” Sociological Methods & Research 50, no. 2 (2021): 708–39.
    • Deterding and Waters offer a clearly-described approach for working with larger-scale interview studies and provide some background on why Grounded Theory has become a default approach to inductive analysis, even when this may not be the best approach. 
  • Michalovich, Amir. “Graduate students’ modes of engagement in computer-assisted qualitative data analysis.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 25, no. 2 (2022): 247–60.
    • Michalovich uses thematic analysis and has a really detailed description of the use of Atlas.ti to develop themes (mostly in the appendix, which did not come with the PDF that I got via InterLibrary Loan, so you may need to go to the website to download the supplemental material). 
  • Lanclos, Donna, and Lawrie Phipps. “Trust, Innovation and Risk: A Contextual Inquiry into Teaching Practices and the Implications for the Use of Technology.” Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 4, no. 1 (2019): 68–85.
    • Donna Lanclos pointed to this example, which describes working with a large group to develop analysis of interview data. 
  • Mueller, Jennifer, Marielle Kirstein, Alicia VandeVusse, and Laura Lindberg. “Improving Abortion Underreporting in the United States: A Cognitive Interview Stud.” SocArXiv, January 12, 2022.
  • Shesterinina, A. (2016). Collective threat framing and mobilization in civil war. American Political Science Review, 110(3), 411–427.
    • Sebastian also suggested  the methods appendix to this Political Science work. 
  • Anfara, Vincent A., Kathleen M. Brown, and Terri L. Mangione. “Qualitative Analysis on Stage: Making the Research Process More Public.” Educational Researcher 31, no. 7 (2002): 28–38.
    • I co-teach a course on CAQDAS use in Social Sciences and Education, and we read this piece every year because it's such a good example of using tables to show the process of data analysis. 
  • Kook, Rebecca, Ayelet Harel-Shalev, and Fany Yuval. “Focus Groups and the Collective Construction of Meaning: Listening to Minority Women.” Women’s Studies International Forum 72 (2019): 87–94.
    • Natalie Gottlieb pointed to this piece for how it addresses analyzing focus groups at the level of interaction rather than the individual. 

I'd be happy to add more examples here if you have recommendations! Contact me on Twitter or Mastodon


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